Imminent Dongdaemun Symposium – 9/29
Imminent Dongdaemun:
Seoul Biennale International Studios Symposium
Where: University of Seoul, Birch Hall
When: Thursday Sept 29th, 10am-1pm
The event is free and open to the public.
As the inaugural event in an upcoming series of Seoul Biennale International Studio public happenings, professors and students from eight international and local universities will gather for a morning of energized conversation on the future of the Dongdaemun region and its vibrant surrounding neighborhoods. This region has played a central role in Seoul’s urban history and its future transformation must leverage its spatial, social, economic, and ecological networks as vital existing resources. Each studio leader will present their own analysis on an ‘Imminent Dongdaemun’ with thematics ranging from residual urbanism, micro-production, recycling interiority, and semi-public atmosphere.
서울비엔날레 국제스튜디오의 첫 공공 행사인 이번 심포지엄에선, 국내외 8곳의 대학이 모여 동대문 일대와 그 활발한 인근 지역들에 대해 열띤 토론의 장을 엽니다. 동대문 일대는 서울 도시 역사의 중심이자 이곳에 형성된 공간적, 사회적, 경제적, 환경적 네트워크는 앞으로 있을 지역 변화에 중요한 자원으로서 영향을 미칠 것입니다. 각각 스튜디오의 리더가 분석한 <다가오는 동대문>과 ‘잔류 어바니즘[residual urbanism]’, ‘마이크로 생산[micro-production]’, ‘재생하는 내부성[recycling interiority], ‘반(半)공공 분위기[semi-public atmosphere]’ 등 다양한 주제의 토론이 마련되어 있습니다.
Representative Universities will include: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ehwa University, Hongik University, Keio University, Rhode Island School of Design, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, University of Seoul, and Washington University in St. Louis.