Verdant Studio
Athens, Vermont | 2006
[ Featured in Spacecraft 2 ]
This recording studio for innovative recording engineer and musician Pete Weiss, solves issues of acoustics while engaging the site and context. An extension of an existing century-old barn, the new structure utilizes a variation on the pitched roofs in the area: a simple ‘scissor’ truss is mirrored to create both east and west skylights while on the interior, the asymmetrical space works acoustically to diffuse sound. The open end-bay of the structure extends views into the rural landscape and creates a rest area for musicians.

A mirrored scissor truss creates an asymmetrical roof solving acoustic issues, while allowing for day-lighting and natural ventilation from the east and west.

The open tracking room has ample daylight while being acoustically isolated

John Hong AIA, LEED AP (principal in charge)
Andy Hong, Jinhee Park AIA, Erik Carlson
Don Clark Construction
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