City As Verb Wednesday Seminars
City as Verb Wednesday Seminars Overview
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» More info: Seoul Hall of Architecture & Urbanism
The ‘City as Verb’ seminars hosted by the City of Seoul will be an important bridge between the 2019 Seoul Biennale Cities Exhibition and its upcoming continuation in 2021. In close partnership with the French, Netherlands, and Swiss embassies, this four-part series of public presentations will launch on 15 July and continue every Wednesday for one month. The purpose of the events is twofold: First to expand the important dialogue between Seoul and its global partner cities on issues of urbanism and citizen engagement, and secondly to reach a wider audience of Korean government officials, citizens, and community stakeholders. Global experts will join virtually to share insight on how their city is creatively addressing emerging urban issues. Afterwards, they will engage a panel of local experts to explore commonalities and contrasts. The events will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Korean.
15 July, 5pm (Seoul Time) | Paris, France
» Youtube [English] live stream
» Youtube [Korean] live stream
Reinventing Paris, Co-building the City
Lecture by: Alexandre Labasse | director, Pavillon de l’Arsenal
The “Reinventing Paris” competition rewarded 22 innovative urban and architectural projects in Greater Paris, which have in common the integration of hybrid buildings and green spaces. These winning projects represent many models of the city of the future in terms of architectural design, new attitudes about programming, environmental innovation, and co-construction. The projects were presented as part of the “Reinventing Paris” exhibition at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal. Inherent to its conception, “Reinventing Paris” calls for projects that integrate two ecosystems which correspond to two different temporalities: On the one hand, town planning and construction, and on the other hand, everyday life and the needs of users. Each project is a meeting point between these two ecosystems and carries an innovative vision of the city: new ways of living and working, the advent of the circular economy, the digital revolution, new modes of construction… “Reinvent Paris” demonstrates the capital’s capacity for transformation, innovation and the avant-garde.
Co-urbanism : 15 Collaborative Fabrications of the City
Lectures by: Kelly Ung and Laure Gaye | directors, Atelier Appoches !, co-curators, Co-Urbanism
Public spaces co-conception and management, ephemeral equipment support of social activation, foreign universities, non-programmed spaces, co-programming tools, program map, and open conceptions: Our lecture will review some of the tools and approaches analyzed in the exhibition, Co-Urbanism, 21 Collaborative Practices of the City.’ The various approaches demonstrate how the city’s services and functions are co-programmed through collective thinking creating site-specific projects that recognize Paris as a dynamic social and ecological ecosystem.
Roundtable Discussants: Taehyung Kim (director, Seoul City Urban Space Improvement Bureau); Prof. Choon Choi (2021 Seoul Biennale co-curator with Dominique Perrault); Prof. Rafael Luna (2019 Seoul Biennale co-curator), Paco Bunnik (Chief City Planner of Amsterdam), Prof. Suk Yeon Yoo (Future Seoul architect); Prof. John Hong (curator, City as Verb)
*AIA members can receive 2 LU/HSW credits for viewing the lecture online or in person.
22 July, 5pm (Seoul Time) | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
» Youtube [English] live stream
» Youtube [Korean] live stream
We…City, Amsterdam
Lectures by: Paco Bunnik (Chief Urban Designer, Dept. of planning and sustainability, City of Amsterdam);
Tjeerd Haccou (partner, Space and Matter)
The lecture by Paco Bunnik will focus and on the urban growth patterns of Amsterdam and the approaches and projects that foster resilient growth, both physically, socially, technically and naturally. Tjeerd Haccou will go into the detail of already realized and yet to be realized projects within this bigger urban framework both in Amsterdam and abroad. Specifically for this lecture, both speakers will also focus on processes of participation and social sustainability within the field of their practice.
Roundtable Discussants: PProf. Seunghoy Kim (Seoul City architect); prof. Wookjoo Jung (SNU); Prof. Dong Woo Yim (2019 Seoul Biennale co-curator); Prof. Bumjoon Kang (Future Seoul architect); Prof. John Hong (curator, City as Verb)
*AIA members can receive 2 LU/HSW credits for viewing the lecture online or in person.
29 July, 5pm (Seoul Time) | Geneva, Switzerland
» Youtube [English] live stream
» Youtube [Korean] live stream
A Hybrid Territory – Switzerland as a Laboratory for Contemporary Urban Design and Beyond
Lecture by: Prof. Michael Jakob (HEPIA- Geneva School of Engineering, Architecture, and Landscape)
The talk intends to discuss the contemporary situation of Switzerland beyond the usual distinctions between the urban (territory), the countryside, and (residual) nature. The focus will be the role of contemporary landscape architecture in its hybrid role.
Roundtable Discussants: Prof. Seunghoy Kim (Seoul City architect), Taehyung Kim (director, Seoul City Urban Space Improvement Bureau); Prof. Wookjoo Jung (Seoul National University); Prof. Dongwoo Yim (2019 Seoul Biennale Cities Exhibition co-curator); Prof. John Hong (curator, City as Verb)
*AIA members can receive 2 LU/HSW credits for viewing the lecture online or in person.
29 July, 5pm (Seoul Time) | Geneva, Switzerland
» Youtube [English] live stream
» Youtube [Korean] live stream
A Hybrid Territory – Switzerland as a Laboratory for Contemporary Urban Design and Beyond
Lecture by: Prof. Michael Jakob (HEPIA- Geneva School of Engineering, Architecture, and Landscape)
The talk intends to discuss the contemporary situation of Switzerland beyond the usual distinctions between the urban (territory), the countryside, and (residual) nature. The focus will be the role of contemporary landscape architecture in its hybrid role.
Roundtable Discussants: Prof. Seunghoy Kim (Seoul City architect); Taehyung Kim (director, Seoul City Urban Space Improvement Bureau); Prof. Seunghyun Yoon (Future Seoul architect); Hyeri Park (Associate Partner, KCAP Architects & Planners); Prof. John Hong (curator, City as Verb)
*AIA members can receive 2 LU/HSW credits for viewing the lecture online or in person.
5 August, 5pm (Seoul Time)
» Youtube [English] live stream
» Youtube [Korean] live stream
Conflict and Innovation in the Museum
Lecture by: Marina Otero, Director of Research at Het Nieuwe Instituut
The contemporary era is characterized by radical technological, economic, cultural and social shifts. In her talk, Marina Otero Verzier will present a series of projects grounded in the principles of design and innovation – two concepts bound up with changing value systems and conflict which in turn can become a motor for collective forms of knowledge and alternative forms of living.
2045 Seoul Urban Space Plan, Urban Constellation
Lecture by: ZuKhyung Kim, Commissioner, Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy / OUJAE Architects
The lecture covers Future Seoul’s urban space in terms of initial topography, physical components, and place value with three agendas: daily scenery, approaching publicity, and colorful urban space. Through collaboration across various fields such as architecture, city, and landscape, the Urban Constellation is proposed as an integrated urban space plan.
Roundtable Discussants: Prof. Seunghoy Kim (Seoul City architect); Taehyung Kim (director, Seoul City Urban Space Improvement Bureau); Prof. Seunghyun Yoon (Future Seoul architect); Hyeri Park (Associate Partner, KCAP Architects & Planners); Prof. John Hong (curator, City as Verb))
*AIA members can receive 2 LU/HSW credits for viewing the lecture online or in person.
Sponsors and Partners:
Seoul Hall of Architecture & Urbanism
Ambassade de France à Séoul
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea
American Institute of Architects International Region
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